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Fireside chat with Mark Alan, Founder & CEO of Interlect & BOSS

Who is Mark Alan?

I was born and raised in a small farm community in the midwest. I graduated with marketing and international business degrees from Illinois State University. I then sought out to pursue a career in the male modeling industry which gave me the opportunity to travel from city to city across the United States. Through these travels, I was able to network and become cultured. Traveling will always heighten your intelligence and consciousness. Currently, I am represented by Ford Models NYC. Unfortunately, I realized that the male modeling industry was not going to sustain my life, so I began to fuel my passion for entrepreneurship. I never wanted to work for someone else and ultimately be in control of my financial future. I am an introvert at heart. I began discovering myself through my hardships and self-education.

What’s the story behind your ventures?

Being homeless, broke, and lost allowed me to discover the changes that were necessary for success. I obtained my real estate license in NYC and worked for a broker on Wall Street. I learned the ins and outs of our economy, money management and markets, investing, real estate, etc… I then utilized my digital marketing skills to formulate a digital marketing agency that was able to fuel and sustain my life. During this time, I became fascinated with emerging technologies, such as, artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, and cryptocurrency. That is when I decided to create my tech start-ups.

What was the most difficult part of your experience in the early beginnings?

The most difficult part is believing in yourself, because everyone that you know tends to be a naysayer. People make you out to be crazy, then you start to question yourself whether you are or not crazy. Furthermore, trying to explain your vision to investors for seed capital is always a challenge. I am still in the process of raising funds for our seed capital round.

What are you most proud of regarding your business?

That it all started in my mothers basement, and it is finally coming to fruition. This is self-reassurance that you are not crazy and that you were right despite what the naysayers would say or think. The ability to think of an idea within your mind, then the ability to create that idea into the reality of society to better society is the most rewarding thing you can accomplish.

What is your vision for the future of your ventures?

I visualize my businesses bettering society and our environment as a whole through the advancement of technology. I visualize BOSS being the first trustworthy institution for the crypto currency market that bridges the gap between centralized and decentralized currencies.

Furthermore, Interlect will create an eco-friendly technological system through the power of blockchain, communication devices, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, machine learning, and quantitative computation.

What’s your advice for the businesses that are trying to adapt to this economic climate?

Never underestimate the risks that are out of your control. Within the crypto industry, legislators are constantly creating policies that may affect your business. Always problem solve when a problem arises. Never give up on your vision and do what is ethically right for the betterment of society despite what the economic climate is doing beyond your control. Hire those who believe in your vision and trust your vision with the same passion as you have for your business. It is imperative that you have a well-thought out plan if a problem were to emerge. Passion, perseverance, and persistence will allow you to overcome any obstacle that your economic climate offers.

Please name a few technologies which have the greatest impact on your business.

Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, quantum computing, machine learning, fintech, cognitive computing

What books do you have on your nightstand?

  • Holy Bible
  • 12 Rules of Life – Jordan Peterson
  • Zero to 1 – Peter Thiel
  • Good Profit – Charles Koch
  • Laws of Leadership – John Maxwell
  • The Breakthrough Company- Keith McFarland
  • Five Minds For The Future – Howard Gardner

I am currently in the works of publishing my first book “The Millionaire Mile”.

Because of the current economic climate our publication has started a series of discussions with professional individuals meant to engage our readers with relevant companies and their representatives in order to discuss their involvement, what challenges they have had in the past and what they are looking forward to in the future. This sequence aims to present a series of experiences, recent developments, changes and downsides in terms of their business areas, as well as their goals, values, career history, the high-impact success outcomes and achievements.

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