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Bud Manz, owner Manz Web Designs: If you don’t believe in what you are doing, it is time to rethink your career path

Because of the current economic climate our publication has started a series of discussions with professional individuals meant to engage our readers with relevant companies and their representatives in order to discuss about their involvement, what challenges they have had in the past and what they are looking forward to in the future. This sequence aims to present a series of experiences, recent developments, changes and downsides in terms of their business areas, as well as their goals, values, career history, the high-impact success outcomes and achievements.

Bud Manz is the owner and lead designer of a web development firm that specializes in custom web applications and websites using content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla.

They offer services such as: back-end development, custom application development, relational database design and web applications using the Symfony PHP framework. 

More about Manz Web Designs and Bud’s experience as an entrepreneur can be found below:

What’s the story behind Manz Web Designs?

I started the business in April 2009 as an opportunity to help business succeed and to earn a residual income. I also wanted to build it slow so I would have something to retire into. However, I lost my employment in October 2010 so I decided I would give it a try. At that time, I was not prepared to do the business. So in 2015, I started working full-time to build up my finances and get my feet back under me. In February this year, I started to ramp up the business and now am full-time in the business again.

What was the most difficult part of your experience in the early beginnings?

Not giving up was, and continues to be, the most difficult thing. I am a very social being and I sorely miss being out meeting with people, online meetings are not the same but it keeps me going.

What are you most proud of regarding your business?

That the business is still alive and actually doing okay.  I have been blessed with great clients and partner organizations.

What is your vision for the future of Manz Web Designs?

I envision Manz Web Designs to be a full service agency, fully equipped to provide service for any size and type of business.

What’s your advice for the businesses that are trying to adapt to this economic climate?

Don’t give up! You must press into what you believe in… if you don’t believe in what you are doing, it is time to rethink your career path. I was just talking to a colleague of mine this morning and he was saying that it seems that some of the people he is connected with expect the work to just “fall into their laps”.  This is not a mindset that generates success! It takes a LOT of work to get a business up and rolling, especially now but perseverance will always pay off in the end.  Keep your motives pure and always be honest.

What books do you have on your nightstand?

I am a huge fan of anything by Michael E Gerber. Also, Stephen Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” and Jim Collin’s book, “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t”.

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